Working Cats
Cats available for adoption through our Working Cat Program are considered poorly socialized or feral and not suitable for a home environment. We find that a non-traditional adoptive home is best suited for these types of cats. This alternative approach allows these cats to have access to shelter, food, water, and care while they provide the service of rodent control to an adopter's property. All cats are fully vetted with: spay/neuter, vaccinated, microchipped, dewormed, flea preventative, and ear-tipped.
Working cats are adopted at no charge to families with barns, outbuildings, warehouses, stables, or residential homes with lanai/garage/shed/outbuildings.
What makes a cat eligible to be a working cat?
- Unsuited for traditional adoption as an indoor cat
- Unable to be returned to the location they were trapped from
- Healthy with no injuries
- Reasonably capable of living a colony life outdoors