By Alissa Jackson on Friday, 12 August 2022
Category: Happy Tails

You help give animals a second chance

What follows is a condensed version of a letter we received recently from a couple who adopted two dogs from HSSC. We hope you enjoy this "tail" of second chances and the power of the human-animal bond. After all, we do not just save animals. They save us too. "What a difference HSSC has made in our lives. Somehow, you managed to find us the best dogs in the world. We adopted Sir Walter Raleigh (then called Bruno) just before COVID. That dog made a stressful year so much more bearable. When I cried, he would lick my face until I stopped; when I would sink onto the couch feeling hopeless and worn out, he would crawl into my lap and put his head on my chest. I have never met a dog as emotionally sensitive or as intelligent as Walter. I hope to do pet therapy with him so that others can share in the gift of his unconditionally loving heart and unflappable spirit. Our other dog is Iris. We went to HSSC in August 2020 looking for a sibling for Walter to help him feel less lonely when we had to leave for work. We wanted a dog Walter's size, but the one we had our eye on had another appointment that day. The staff asked if we would like to see Iris instead. We knew nothing about her, but we really wanted a second dog, so we said yes. Imagine our surprise when they brought out this 80-lb, half-Great Dane monster of a dog! We were uncertain our small apartment could take it…but as we looked into her big, soulful orange eyes, it was love at first sight. And she is the sweetest, most mellow, most relaxed dog ever. We can't imagine life without her now. We felt that Iris may have been abused or mistreated at some point—she is terrified of brooms, and she is very startled by loud noises or sudden movements. Walter was affectionate from the start, but Iris wouldn't even make eye contact at first. You'd hardly recognize her now. When we come home, she runs to the door and showers us with kisses. She is learning how to play with us, too, little by little. And she waits patiently for everyone to be home safe before settling down for bed. Truly a little guardian angel. Walter and Iris have helped us to laugh more, to exercise more, to feel safe in our home, and to feel that life is full of love and family. We can only hope that we are able to bring them as much joy as they have brought us. And it would not have been possible without HSSC."

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There are thousands of animals in our community that have been abandoned or surrendered by their owners. They deserve to experience the joy of being part of a loving family again. You can change their story and give them a wonderful ending, just like Walter and Iris received. Please donate today to save animals from cruelty and neglect … and give them the love and care they desperately need. Your generosity will give an abandoned animal a second chance for a healthy, happy life. 

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