
    A Helping Hand in Louisiana


    HSSC has a commitment to saving lives that extends well beyond our own community. Whenever we can, we reach out to help others in need and this week HSSC is on the ground in Louisiana to assist a shelter in St. Landry Parish. Our work there is coordinated by the BISSELL Pet Foundation which has been actively supporting St. Landry Parish Animal Control since December 2022,  when the shelter contacted the BISSELL Pet Foundation for help. They were in crisis with 300 animals in their shelter with limited staff to help care for them.

    Right away, BISSELL called in their National Shelter Alliance, which HSSC is proud to be a part of (a collective of shelters ready to respond to crisis) and immediately got to work. HSSC quickly welcomed 10 dogs from their shelter to help their team get back on their feet. This week, we sent David Lynch, our Senior Director of Operations, and Emory Groeneveld, our Director of Animal Welfare, to Louisiana to provide operational support to the St. Landry team and help their team develop community-based programs to save more lives.

    Bissell Pet Foundation focuses on shelters that need us the most. Our relationship goes back many years with St. Landry and we jumped at the opportunity to lead this project, creating a community shelter. The most effective way to provide mentorship and training is through shelters. BPF is providing the funding for our shelter partners from across the country to visit St. Landry Parish and provide a hands on approach to training and mentorship. Some of the strongest shelters in the country have stepped up to travel to St. Landry and partner with BPF to create a full transition. HSSC is one of those shelters and we are so excited that David and Emory are bringing their expertise to the team.

    Kim Alboum, BISSELL Pet Foundation

    Notes from the Field – Thursday, March 30, 2023

    David Lynch and Emory Groeneveld

    It has been a busy week with our friends at St. Landry's Parish! We have continued to provide support to their team and provide enrichment for the animals in their care. Today, 10 dogs were brought into care, 7 being from a potential neglect situation. It is of great comfort knowing these dogs will get much better care and were removed from harm thanks to the Animal Control Officers on the ground in the parish. With these 10 arriving the shelter is quickly filling to capacity. That is why partnerships with the Bessel Pet Foundation help provide lifesaving assistance to shelters in need. They are arranging a transport of almost 30 dogs to organizations across the country. Emory and David were asked for assistance on some dog intros for rescues who already had homes for these precious pets. As you can see Swayze (Brindle) and Dixie (seen in Emory's lap) made quick friends. No doubt these two will fill their new homes with lots of love. Thanks to the Bissell Pet Foundation for all they do to help animals across our Country reach loving families.  HSSC has wrapped up our deployment efforts in Louisiana and we look forward to helping when we're called upon in the future by the Bissell Pet Foundation!

    David making friends with Swayze.

    Emory loving on Dixie.

    Dixie and Swayze out for a buddy walk!

    Notes from the Field – Monday, March 27, 2023

    David Lynch and Emory Groeneveld

    We have been busy the past few days preparing and creating a daily enrichment schedule to ensure these amazing dogs continue to receive the care that they need. Enrichment helps combat both the stress and boredom of kennel life. We filled the fridge and freezer with enticing treats and it warmed our hearts to see how happy each dog was to receive some special attention. Shelters can be a stressful place and it is vital we do what we can to make their time in our care easier. After passing out some delicious treats you could hear a pin drop! Throughout the day, we had the opportunity to meet and chat with some residents of St. Landry Parish who came by the shelter for various resources. It is evident that the members of St. Landry Parish are invested and passionate about helping the pets in their community. At the end of the day, we assisted with an intake of a very sweet, small-breed dog named Princess. Princess's family was going through a very difficult time and unfortunately rehoming her was their last and only option. After administering her core vaccines, it was time for a little spa treatment! No doubt, this little cutie will be off to her new home in no time.

    Emory rolling up her sleeves and helping with their dishes.

    Creating enrichment to mentally stimulate their dogs.

    Princess enjoying a a bath before she finds her next home!

    Notes from the Field – Saturday, March 25, 2023

    David Lynch and Emory Groeneveld

    Thanks to the generosity of the BISSELL Pet Foundation, we are on the ground in Louisiana to work alongside our friends at St. Landry Animal Control to help support their lifesaving work. When we arrived last night, we were fortunate enough to meet Mara, St. Landry's new shelter director, and the departing team from the Charlottesville-Albemarle SPCA. It is amazing to share and build upon the experiences of each other as it truly takes a village to help the animals most in need.

    This morning we arrived bright and early at the animal shelter and assisted in population rounds, wellness checks, and the best part…..meeting all the wonderful pets in their facility. The dogs were playful and eager to make new friends, the horses were social and sweet, and we got within a foot of one of their community cats but we know we will be bff's by the end of the week. As you can see Apollo and Kimbo (pictured) were more than happy to introduce us to all their pals and show us around. Apollo wanted to make friends with every neighboring dog and give wet slobbery kisses and Kimbo just wanted belly rubs and to take over our laps. You can tell just by the way the dogs behaved what an amazing job Mara and her team are doing for the animals in their care. It was a great first day in St. Landry's Parish and we can't wait to see what awaits us tomorrow. 

    David and Emory on the ground in St. Landry Parish. 

    David with Apollo, St. Landry’s Official Welcome Waggin’. 

    David and Kimbo (Lap Dog of St. Landry).

    Apollo smiling wide, welcoming visitors from across the country.

    Kimbo showing off his goofy smile.

    2023 Rilee Beisler Humane-i-Tarian Awards
    Vets Pets & Jets: One for the Record Books